I feel way out of my depth when it comes to coding. I was hoping that our lecture today would show me how I can incorporate coding into my classroom, but I still don’t feel like I could. There is so much lingo and information that I felt lost.

Often, when there is a large topic I really don’t understand, I look to see if Crash Course has a video or playlist available, and in this case, I’m right!

The only time I have done any coding is with Twine. About a month and a half ago in my Multiliteracies class, I was introduced to Twine. Twine is a platform that uses simple coding to create a choose-your-adventure style story. During that workshop, I started to write a story featuring a Dungeons and Dragons character I play named Wilco. When I could use coding in a minimal way, and create a story about a character already love, it made it much more accessible. I’ve added to the story and attached the link to the Twine here.


All in all, I think I need to become more comfortable with coding before I can think to bring it into a French class. So I better get started on that playlist now. 😉

P.S. If you want to learn more about world-building, check out my post on World Anvil in my Free Inquiry category.